Still kickin’

We’re still alive, I promise!

Nothing much to report, short of all of the usual Christmas goings-on. August is having no less than 6 separate Christmas celebrations this season, with the last of it finally taking place next Saturday.

So far, he is in choo-choo heaven, having received at least 3 different train sets from various relatives and Santa. The latter included a hand-made train table crafted by Daddy (pictures to come) and lots of wooden trains, track and accessories. Auggie is convinced — Santa rocks.

Everything else with the pregnancy is continuing apace. We went for a run yesterday morning for the first time in over 2 months. I think we finished a little over 2 hilly miles, and it was good, for a while. Today, I feel like I am paying the price. Sore legs, exhausted, weird twinge in my right side… The hypochondriac in me is wondering exactly how they handle appendicitis in pregnant women.

Tim got me a bunch of maternity clothes for Christmas. I desperately needed them (as I sold everything from the first time, not that it would have fit now anyway), but still felt like crying. I said, ‘Who ever thought that I would need maternity clothes again?!’ I guess I’m still adjusting.

My waistline is expanding rapidly, although at 13 weeks, I think that I’ve only gained about 5 pounds. All of my skinny pants and skirts are hanging in the closet, looking forlorn. My belts taunt me. Thank goodness that I kept some of my too-big jeans for a craft project. I’ve actually had something to wear besides sweat pants for the past few weeks.

The nausea has nearly disappeared, but occasionally it comes back to remind me of how good I’ve got it now. I’m left wondering what else this baby has in store for me…

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This one’s for Jennie

My friend Jennie is getting married on Saturday. And I’m not going to be able to be there.

But I’m only sad for myself, because Jennie is marrying a wonderful man in a beautiful place, with all of the people she loves around her.

And the amazing thing about my friend Jennie is that, after organizing a wedding from across the country, inviting people from all over the world and all the while, supervising her home’s kitchen remodeling (which has taken over six months), she found the time today to send me an e-mail saying that she was thinking about me.

I love Jennie. Good luck, sweetie!

You can’t run from yer past

Welcome if you’ve come here from Jason’s page. Just thought I’d say hello since the last post here is about the boy climbing out of his crib. We’ve actually had a pretty rough time of it for the past few nights because when they can climb out of their crib, that means it’s time for a toddler bed. A toddler bed is just like your bed, only smaller. And we’ve been the insane parents that have provided this weapon of sleep deprivation to our child. It means Auggie can get out of it whenever he wants. It’s been a struggle to convince him that he should stay in the bed when we walk out of the room, leading to much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

But tonight took a little less time it seemed. Or maybe I’m just going mad (for real this time!)

Anyway, to clear up a couple of things. I first met Jason his freshman year in college, with the whole crew of people who hung out and allegedly “studied” in Brady Commons. Mostly we just sat around and smoked cigarettes and talked about the stupid things that 18-20 year olds think they should talk about, but clearly have no real clue. I was into the dance music of the time (Front 242, Ministry, Thrill Kill Kult, etc.) and so of course our paths continued to cross throughout the years at Shattered and then culminated when I became the Business Manager at KCOU as a senior.

Joining the radio station staff put me into yet another group of friends including Mike and Sean mentioned on Jason’s post. This was how Jason met Beth. She was dating Mike, and apparently said “Oh, so you’re THE Jason Pettus?” when introduced to him. She was just a freshman at the time, so give her a break. And yes, even then, that’s the kind of thing you could say to Jason and his head would remain quite swollen for the rest of the night….

For those of you just dropping in our lives via Jason’s link. Beth and I started dating after I had graduated from the Master’s program at Mizzou and was living back at home in St. Louis. We started dating at the end of her Junior year. I proposed to her at the Derby her senior year, and moved her to Louisville with me the day after she graduated. Back to St. Louis in 2000, and then with a new baby boy in 2001.

Oh, and Thanksgiving went pretty well since we basically stole all the good ideas from Beth’s dad and stepmom. That included them shipping up their “backup” smoker for us to use. Thanks Alan and Margie.

New development

Auggie has figured out how to climb out of his crib. This morning, I didn’t even hear him until he was opening my door.

I am so not ready for this. Tomorrow, we host Tim’s family for my first Thanksgiving dinner. Prayers, well-wishes and good vibrations will be most welcome.

Too bad drinking is not an option…

It cannot be

This is me trying not to think about turning 29 tomorrow…

Oh, and the pickles won last week. As did the cottage cheese and chocolate milk. I’m now wearing Sea Bands (motion-sickness, accupressure wristband dealies) in an effort to keep my stomach ashore.

Chocolate milk






When baby has a craving, baby has a craving. Did I ever mention that my husband is a living saint?

Why you should never take a pregnancy test to make yourself feel better

It might be positive.


Sorry to hit you over the head like that, but that’s pretty much how Tim and I felt about a week and a half ago when we found out. I was a little late, starting to wonder what was up, and I said, ‘Just go and get me a pregnancy test and it will make me feel better when I know that it’s negative.’ It was 10 p.m.

That’s another thing you should never do — take a pregnancy test before bed so you’ll sleep better.

Once that second line popped up, there would be no sleep for several hours.

So, it seems that we’re pregnant.

And all of my friends are snickering to themselves because I’ve been so adamant about just having one child.

But two is good, right? We get to not make the same mistakes we made with the first one. Or something.

So that’s one reason that I’ve been so close-mouthed lately. I knew that I couldn’t keep just jabbering away about my trip to New York without suddenly typing “I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M PREGNANT!”

So, yeah, if you are a friend who I have not told yet, I apologize that you are learning about this from my blog. Please know that I’ve wanted to tell you, but I’ve been too exhausted and/or queasy to lift the phone to my ear.

Hey, but now you’ve got nine months of super-fun kvetching about pains, bodily fluids and expanding body parts to look forward to! Fun!

Mark your calendars for July 4, 2004. Baby Clauss, round 2. This time, it’s personal.

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