OK. Back now. I hate it when that happens! I get all ready to do something and — boom! — hunger strikes!
Mmm… Wheat Thins… (Homer Simpson drooling sound)
So this morning has been fun. The freaking humidity has given it a rest, already, and although it’s going to be hot today, at least it won’t be steaming. And, of course, since Tim and I are headed to my hometown this weekend, it’s going to be a furnace in Southeastern Missouri. It never fails, we always visit on the hottest weekend of the summer. At least my mom finally got air conditioning. Yay, Mom!
Anyway, about this morning. Had a lovely walk and chat with my mother-in-law, whom I like very much. She has lots of interesting stories about growing up in West Virginia, raising 5 boys, taking care of her ailing mother, teaching and other various topics. She’s a pretty darn amazing woman, actually.
About 10, Tim’s brother Mark and his family dropped by — unannounced (for which they apologized profusely, thank you). Luckily, I was showered and the house was fairly presentable. The dogs were a mess, though, barking and stuff. I had to put the guys away so the kids could feel like they weren’t going to be eaten alive by wiener dogs. Like all kids, they eventually warmed up to them and had to give each one a kiss before they left.
Must put Wheat Thins away now before I finish the box…
I’m looking forward to this weekend very much, as I have two baby showers and a fun family reunion dinner to attend. Plus, my older brother and his family are coming too and that’s always fun.
I am a little anxious about being the center of attention at the showers, though. I always worry about not seeming, I don’t know, thankful enough, you know? But I don’t want to overdo it either. Plus, I just have a hard time being the focus of any one thing (past drunken KCOU events excluded). Especially when I have a huge belly and freaked out skin. And what am I going to wear? Even some of my maternity stuff doesn’t fit anymore!
Oh, and just to let you know, Tim agreed that it seems as though the baby is lower. (Sorry, Ryan, but I think your friend that “felt” her baby drop was one in a million. Neither I nor my panel of pregnancy consultants have ever heard of that before…) Plus, I’ve got that pregnant waddle thing going on, and my back was absolutely killing me by last night. Fun! Don’t you want to get pregnant right now?
And Tim and I are practically famous! It’s not every day that you get mentioned on a site that gets thousands and thousands of hits every day! By the way, I’m sure many of you former MU-types remember Mr. Pettus. His site cracks me up, especially the fact that thousands and thousands of people read it every day. Scary, my friends.
Thanks for the words of encouragement yesterday, guys. You’re the best! (sniff)