Derby redux

The vacation was a complete success, whatever that means. We had a good time, saw lots of great friends, ate some great food and saw some interesting horse racing.

My favorite joke that I made that no one else laughed at (other than my husband, who is required by law to laugh at my jokes): “Funny Cide? What the hell is that? Like when a clown hangs himself?”

Leno, Letterman, feel free to email me with your offers…

Anyway, I want to write a whole travellogue — I really do — but work stuff and life stuff is totally standing in the way between me and any humorous reflections just now. But you can go and check out the pictures under Derby -> Derby 2003.

Didn’t we looking freaking great?

…And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Diapers

Crazy week ahead of us, so I’ll be brief.

Tim and I had a great time in Columbia over the weekend, and Auggie had super-duper fun at Grandma’s. Who knew the dogs would be the big stinkers for them?

Even though we were in Columbia for less than three hours, we managed to eat and/or drink in no less than six different establishments. Ah, Columbia… Still the same in so many ways.

Our entire reason for going back to CoMo was to attend Springfest, KCOU’s annual day ‘o music. The weather was gorgeous, the bands ranged from pretty good (…And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead) to booty-rockin’ (GBV), although the sound was generally stinky. (Is there a term for using another sense’s adjectives when referring to a different sense? Stupidity? Yes, that’s it.)

We saw some old friends, drank a little beer, drank a little wine and generally enjoyed walking around our old stomping grounds.

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My goal was to not imbibe so much that I would be unable to enjoy my breakfast at Ernie’s the next day (like our visit over two years ago).

Mission accomplished.

Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh-uh-huh-uh-huh.

Did I mention that my sainted mother is taking Auggie for the weekend?

That’s right, my friends. 48 blissful hours of alone-time! The possibilities are endless!

The sad thing is, I’ll probably end up desperately missing him by Saturday morning.

Sigh. Such is life when you have kids, I guess.


Tough, tough day in toddlerland today.

The weather is leaning towards the crappy side, so we didn’t get outside that much, and I didn’t have any errands to run, so we were pretty much home-bound today. I thought this would be fine, since we had schlepped Auggie to my hometown and back in a smidge over 24 hours, but even he was at the door saying, ‘Bye-bye? Bye-bye?’ most of the afternoon.

I should’ve just sucked it up and headed to the mall or something.

So we were both eyeing each other warily by the time Tim got home, and I sweetly asked him to watch August and make dinner whilst I completed a stress-relieving workout. Is my husband the best ever? You bet your sweet bottom he is!

Highlight of the past weekend: My grandmother made a childhood favorite — fried pies. For those of you that have not lived, these are individual-sized pie crusts, folded in half, filled with apples or apricots and then deep-fried. That’s it. No too-sweet icing or anything. I ate one, and suddenly I was ten again. It was heaven.

Mother love

My son asked me for a kiss yesterday.

I could’ve melted. Of course, he immediately then went ot one of the dogs and requested the same (and was reciprocated), but at least he asked me first.

Our trip to Louisville two weeks from today grows ever so complicated. Since we lived there for over three years, we still have lots of friends to see and little time to see them in. Plus, there’s my semiannual haircut to plan, meetings with my clients and lots of college/Derby friends to share juleps with. (I do not fear ending with prepositions! Just try and stop me!)

Dang. Two weeks from today. I need to start making a list or something.

Gloria Gaynor, RIP

We survived.

Just barely.

But we survived.

Now, Tim is home, the villagers rejoice and all is well with the world. That, and we got Auggie this today.


Quick and dirty

We’re still hanging in there, even as our colds hang on. Our Parents As Teachers “parent educator” mentioned that her info on this super-fun virus is that it can stick around for a month.

Hear that, virus? Your time is up! Now hit the streets!

Other than that, what can I say? Tim is leaving for a weekend of fun without us (which

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should be 100 times funner than the usual fun, right?), where he will sleep like a rock for hours on end, drink bourbon and play the ponies, while I will grow increasingly resentful unstable exhausted morose without him.

I do so hate it when we must part.

But the best part is when he gets back. Because then he owes me.

[insert sinister laugh here]

Please Pardon Our Mess….

I’ve been updating equipment and finally getting around to getting the dedicated server up and humming. Unfortunately, while I’m doing that, I’m sure there will be some unexpected outages here and there. Just like there was last night when you found that you couldn’t browse through any of the pictures…

Oh yeah, and if you’ve found that you’ve had a “Not Found” message popping up when you type in here lately, I had our ISP switch our IP address to one that wasn’t in a block identified as harboring spammers. Seems there’s a loose, un-regulated body out there known as SPEWS that tracks the IP addresses of spammers out there. They then release those “banned” ip-address lists to people who run servers. OK, sounds good right? Well, turns out with ISP’s like ours which are small scale operations, if banning the specific addresses doesn’t produce the desired effect, they then will hold the whole block of the ISP’s address hostage. Unless the ISP evicts the spammers, their whole block of addresses remains on the list, no matter if there are plenty of good internet citizens like us residing in the block.

You’re thinking, well, that doesn’t sound so bad, I really don’t appreciate the bestiality e-mails that show up in my inbox anyway. But the problem is this, most of these big spamming operations aren’t running out of a little ISP like the one we use. Rather, they work from places like AT&T or UUNET. Well, shutting down e-mail from blocks of those two companies would effectively shut off e-mail receipts from over half the e-mails in the US. For addresses from these large providers, the SPEWS group does what it should be doing anyway, identifying and blocking specific IP addresses rather than whole blocks.

Now, I’ve no idea the motivations behind my ISP not banning the spammers leasing addresses from him, but I’d imagine it’s money. These guys use big-time bandwidth and pay for it. Trying to strong-arm a small ISP to give up major sources of revenues to huge providers like AT&T or UUNET seems unseemly to me. At what point does an ISP become too large to block? There aren’t any guidelines, and the SPEWS Group seem to be deliberately obscure about who they are, and what their motivations are. There is no oversight and no published listing of their policies and procedures for listing an address, or escalating it to a range of addresses. About all you can do is go to a newsgroup site and bitch. You’ll get slagged at first, then given some idea of what to do. Then once you boot the offender, update the DNS addresses, you’ll get slagged some more, and then, maybe if you bitch enough, they’ll take your listing off.

With the proliferation of third party anti-spam software for e-mail servers that use the SPEWS list as the core listing of banned ip addresses, this “star chamber” is only gaining in prominence. They dodge the legal issues by not actually ever blocking e-mails, only providing the list of “offensive” sites. They claim to only be a “Consumer Reports” of internet addresses. Hmm, I only wrote down the list of who the Jews were, gave it to the Nazis, but I didn’t actually kill anybody. Seems a specious argument, and judging by their posts on the newsgroup, the power has gone to their head, big time. I don’t disagree at all with their basic premise, but I am bothered greatly by this system being maintained by a bunch of vigilantes.

OK, so enough of the techie rant. We’ve got a new address, the DNS is updated, so you should be able to get to us without too much trouble.

On the home front, both Beth and I have heads clogged with persistent, annoying mucous. However, that didn’t stop us from getting out on chilly Saturday morning and completing a 5k run in 32:20. We exceeded our expectations, and Beth even tried to give Auggie and I the beatdown with a mean kick in the final quarter mile.

The Great Cold of 2003

So we’re headed back to the pediatrician again, since Auggie hasn’t been able to kick this cold, three weeks later. I must admit that I am still not 100% better yet. I’ve never had a cold hang on this long before.

Poor Auggie’s cough is just getting worse, though, so a doctor friend of ours recommended that we take him in to get a short round of antibiotics. My standard joke up until now has been that we have SARS, but that just isn’t funny anymore. That stuff is getting really scary.

Last night was a fun one, sitting around talking with friends, two of whom are very pregnant. I love trading war stories about our birth experiences. Of course, one of the moms-to-be is expecting her first, so I tried to dial it back a notch, as far as the whole “gut-wrenching pain of labor” thing goes. My standard joke in this situation is, ‘It sucked. I’m convinced that natural childbirth is nature’s population control.’

I need to stop with the standard jokes. How lazy am I as a conversationalist?